Close up of one setting. Photo courtesy of Lindsey Humphrey.
Close up of one setting. Photo courtesy of Lindsey Humphrey.
This page will be updated with links and resources every other week or so.

Judy Chicago
Through The Flower
Rejected Princesses
There are various places to look for inspiration if you are interested in submitting to the show, but one of my favorites since the early planning stages has been This treasure trove of art and stories features tales from all around the world of women who made a difference, but are relevantly well-known. She doesn't have to be royalty to make this list or even be "good" for that matter, just interesting.
In addition to the blurbs, the art work is fantastic. Most sections if not all will have an "Arts Notes" part near the bottom. This will give you notes on why they drew it they way it was done, outfit choices, reference photos/material and other Easter eggs embedded in the illustration. Much of the artwork can also be bought on products via Redbubble.

I haven't looked through the whole website, but here are some of my favorites:

Ida B. Wells
Zelia Nuttall
Anne Farquharson-Mackintosh

This archive of amazing ladies was created by animator Jason Porath and has a very interesting start. Unfortunately it has not been regularly updated since 2019, but still - there is 5 years worth of content to explore.

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